Events & Registration


  • Please read these agreements for attending a BEING WOMAN event or course

    First of all, a warm welcome, beautiful woman, it’s lovely to have you!

    Please read the agreements carefully and let us know you’ve read them. I’s a condition before you can attend any BEING WOMAN Event or course.

    How to hold safe space for each other

    We want to make clear what we need to feel safe, so we can all hold the space for each other.

    Full permission space

    Be who you are. You don’t have to hide anything, express yourself authentically. Also let the others be who they are.

    This Yes space includes also to say no if you are feeling uncomfortable with anything that is happening. Please put your hand up with your palm out to say „stop“ or leave the space for a while, if you feel you need to, and let a facilitator or an assistant know if you need any extra support.

    No Judgement

    Don’t judge yourself or anyone else for anything. We know, that’s a hard one, because we are so used to comparing and judging. But it is essential for us as women to connect in a different way, so we can actually support and accompany each other. This doesn’t mean you have to love everyone. Simply acknowledge who they are and respect them. It is very likely you will judge yourself or soemone else at some point. If that happens, take a step back, be aware and don't judge yourself for judging. Ask for support, if you need it.

    Physical safety

    Respect your own and others physical boundaries. Ask for a hug if you want one. If you feel like touching someone, ask them first. If someone asks you for physical contact and you do not want it, say no. An authentic no may be the most loving answer there ist, because you show yourself. This is a foundation to create connection between you and the other person.


    You can share your own experience outside of our sacred space, but don’t share what other women experience or say.

    If you feel tempted to gossip, be aware of it and explore the reasons behind it.  Maybe you can find another way to satisfy your need behind it.


    If you adore something in a different person, it is something you can find in yourself. If you are triggered by another person, there’s also a reason within yourself, why their behavior is triggering you. We see from our own perceptions and perception is a choice. So it’s not the other person, who is responsible for your feelings, but yourself. Again, nothing to judge here. Again, we are here to support you in case you need it.

    Self Responsibility

    This is your journey and you have full responsibility for it. You can dive deep or just dip your toe in. You can share what you are experiencing or not. You can partake in exercises or not. You can stay or leave at any point. Everyone is different and everyone has a different tempo. Respect your own boundaries without comparing yourself to others. This is not a competition. If you do compare, notice and let go. Ask for assistance, if you need to. Self responsibility also means to reach out for help if you are feeling stuck. We always work with a number of facilitators and assistants so we can give personal assistance while still running the event.


    To be able to focus on yourself consciously and get the best out of the experiences, we want to create a consumption-free-zone, as far as possible. We don’t want Alcohol or other drugs to be consumed during the event and we also recommend, you switch off your phone. If you want to stay accessible in case of emergency you can also give our number to your loved ones. Of course, if you are a heavy smoker, you can still attend the event, but you will be asked to only smoke outside.


    Are you aware of any unresolved trauma that might come up during the event?

    Please let us know about it beforehand. You can also call us, if you feel uncomfortable writing. You decide if you want to share details or not.

    May these guidelines support us to have a growthful experience!

Please enter your data for access to an event or course or book a free call.

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